Welcome to the
National Boating
& Fishing Foundation
The National Boating & Fishing Foundation (NBFF) was founded by three brothers who grew up boating and fishing on the Atlantic Ocean and throughout the lakes and rivers of the Adirondack Mountains and northeastern US. They created the NBFF to extend these same opportunities to underprivileged youth, individuals diagnosed with disabilities and life threatening illneses, veterans of war, and students of all ages through a wide variety of fun and educational excursions, retreats, programs and community events. The NBFF is currently in the early stages of development, so we welcome all the support we can get and encourage you to reach out.
The NBFF also strives to provide mentoring, leadership development, and career exploration for students interested in the boating and fishing industry. Therefore there are several ways you can support us, and we welcome you to join the NBFF family! We are currently looking for a property to host our programs, additional boat captains, fishermen, marine biologists, boat mechanics, harbor masters and coast guard volunteers willing to mentor, lead workshops, and/or potentially join the board of directors. We are also accepting donations in the form of fishing/boating gear, silent auction items for our Annual NBFF Fundraiser and boats (including everything from kayaks, canoes, paddle board's and row boats to ski boats, fishing charter boats, cruisers and yachts).
Last but not least, we are also currently looking for a center console fishing boat, trailer and truck to support Operation WetVet which was founded by a disabled Marine and dedicated to helping Disabled Combat Veterans suffering from PTSD and TBI to create new memories in a safe, calming environment centered around camaraderie and water actives. Roughly 20 veterans a day commit suicide nationwide, according to new data from the Department of Veterans Affairs. Learn more about this amazing organization by clicking here: Operation WetVet